
While normal Sunday Worship is the central activity of this church, we engage in many other activities throughout the church year.  The paragraphs below are a general description of church activities held during normal times and some have been modified or cancelled during the pandemic.  Please consult the Church Calendar for specific activities using the Calendar Button above.  For more detailed descriptions of recent activities, please access our church newsletters using the Newsletter Button above.

Special Worship Services

At least once a year, the Student Unity Ministry (SUM) organizes and leads all aspects of a Sunday worship service including liturgy, prayers, Bible reading, and sermons.  This Youth Service provides a way for SUM to provide their unique insights to the rest of the congregation.

The worship service on Palm Sunday is often augmented by the presentation of the Easter Cantata by the Chancel Choir.  The cantata normally includes a narrated medley of songs that focus on the message of Easter.

An Easter Sunrise Service is held at 7 PM on Easter morning.  This church joins with Mountainview Community Church in hosting this service at the pavilion at Lake Tamarack.

The Hanging of the Green Service is scheduled as a prelude to Advent.  The sanctuary is decorated while the meaning of each Christian symbol used in the Advent season is explained.

The Christmas Cantata is often incorporated in the worship service on the Sunday before Christmas.  Music with narration is used to tell the story of the Incarnation.

A Live Nativity with members and guests acting the parts of the characters of the first Christmas is held on the afternoon of Christmas Eve.


Church Social and Fellowship Activities

An after-church Potluck Brunch is held monthly except during the Summer.  Members are invited to bring their favorite entrees or desserts to share and a program focused on missions or community interests is usually provided.  During the Summer, other activities such as a Movie Night featuring a Christian video with popcorn or a trip to a Rome Braves Game.  A Church Barbecue held at Lake Tamarack is usually substituted for the normal brunch in a Fall month.

The Men of the Church have a Monthly Breakfast Meeting on one Saturday except during the Summer.  Volunteers cook the breakfast and there is usually a guest speaker on mission or other topics of local interest.  Church Cleanup Days are often scheduled to coincide with the breakfast.

Dancersize is an exercise program normally held twice a week that provides stimulating exercise for people of all ages and is coed..

A Valentine Dinner is held annually to provide an enjoyable evening for couples.  The dinner is catered and quality musical entertainment is provided.

A Chili Dinner is usually held immediately after the Hanging of the Green service with participants bringing a wide variety of chilies to share.

The Women of the Church have a special Christmas Tea during the Advent Season.